The Expedia Cruises System

As you learn about the Expedia Cruises system and support, you’ll come to understand the importance of this icon.
These four pillars make up the Expedia Cruises franchise operating system (also referred to as ‘The Compass’) and provide strategic direction for success in your role as a Franchisee. Think of it as a guide for your new business, navigating you through a sea of potential distractions and steering you along the path to profitability.

Recruitment & Onboarding

In this section, you’ll learn about the importance of recruitment & onboarding. See how we’ll support you in your recruiting efforts and teach you how to effectively onboard your team of Vacation Consultants.
Click here

Leadership & Recognition

Learn how we’ll support you in becoming strong sales leaders so that you can develop and support a high performing team. We’ll also cover the recognition programs we have in place, and what you can do to motivate and incentive your team to grow their individual sales.
Click here

Marketing & Promotions

This section talks about the comprehensive, turn-key marketing programs and technology available to you as an Expedia Cruises Franchisee. We’ll show you all the ways we’ll help you find new sales leads, convert them to bookings, and ultimately create repeat customers which we call: Customers For Life.
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Planning & Performance

Find out how Expedia Cruises will support you in planning and executing your franchise vision. Whether your goals are lifestyle, financially motivated, or both, we’ll help you create a plan to achieve them and provide all the tools, support and accountability you’ll need to stay on track.
Click here

Recruitment & Onboarding

Jon Harvill

Franchise Partner in Greystone, AL

I have always dreamed of owning my own business and had extensive experience in corporate America. The support of the Expedia Cruises franchise system allows me to capitalize on my experience while taking advantage of a proven system. I’m not left to re-invent the wheel.

Chris Meyer

Franchise Partner in Orange County, CA

The idea of a big digital company also doing brick-and-mortar locations to appeal to every segment of the market was attractive to me and I felt that it was very forward-looking. Expedia is a household name that has instant credibility and instant familiarity with our customers. That is a big differentiator from most of our competitors who don’t have a big brand for people to connect with.