Expedia Cruises Franchise Rock Stars Give Back to Community in Myriad Ways

Last updated on July 4th, 2024

Original posting by Franchise Business Review

Expedia Cruises franchise owners Chuck and Laurie Magnus embody the true meaning of Franchise Rock Stars. Having gone through a remarkable journey marked by boundless compassion and extraordinary acts of kindness, the couple has donated countless hours and resources, raising money for cancer research, food banks, and homeless shelters and supporting families with children with disabilities. They say that business ownership empowers them to give back or “pay it forward” in their local communities. Building strong community relationships also helps raise awareness of the Expedia Cruises brand and fosters trust among potential customers. 

Paying it Forward as Expedia Cruises Franchise Owners

Chuck and Laurie take immense pride in owning two Expedia Cruises locations in Calgary, Canada. They say their success as franchise owners enables them to follow their philanthropic path and pay it forward. 

Amidst the challenges of navigating his children’s simultaneous diagnoses—his daughter’s stage four breast cancer and his son’s battle with mental illness—Chuck and his wife have found strength within themselves to confront each day with unwavering determination and love, giving back wherever and however they can.

Chuck and Laurie have spearheaded several initiatives to support the homeless, distributing more than 700 homemade lunches while volunteering. They have also made over 500 lunches for those in women’s shelters and cooked numerous dinners at the Ronald McDonald House.

Chuck has become an unwavering advocate for cancer after his daughter faced the illness five times. With a bike and a dream, he began participating in charity bike rides, his first raising $2,500. From participating in marathons to cycling across Canada to raise funds for childhood cancer research, he has demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. His efforts in “Tour De Cure” raised over $4 million.

Their philanthropic efforts have raised $32,000, supporting various efforts, including blood cancer awareness, Ukraine relief, Ronald McDonald House, and other local charity programs. Moreover, Chuck donated 1,000 pounds of non-perishables to the Calgary food bank, built 25 cars for families with children with disabilities, personally donated three cars to local families, and donated 500 pairs of socks to the Calgary Drop-in Center.

They’ve contributed to the construction of playgrounds in parks for children with disabilities and even created a cruise for families with children with autism, and they plan to expand this program through their Expedia Cruises franchise. 

Today, the couple continues to serve those in need, now alongside their team of travel agents as Expedia Cruises franchise owners. In their own words, Chuck and Laurie Magnus share the story of their journey to franchise ownership and giving back to their community.

During your research, what made the Expedia Cruises franchise stand out?

Expedia Cruises is an attractive brand to consider as a business for several reasons:

  • Strong Brand Recognition: Expedia Cruises is a well-known and trusted brand in the travel industry, providing a sense of credibility and trustworthiness to customers and potential business partners.
  • Comprehensive Support System: Franchisees benefit from extensive marketing, technology, and training support. This includes a sophisticated CRM system, robust booking tools, and access to Expedia Group’s marketing resources.
  • Diverse Product Offering: The Expedia Cruises franchise offers a wide range of travel products, including cruises, flights, hotels, and vacation packages. This diversity can attract a broader customer base and increase revenue opportunities.
  • Established Customer Base: Expedia Cruises boasts a robust online and offline presence and a loyal and established customer base, enabling new franchisees to start with a strong foundation of potential clients.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Franchisees benefit from Expedia’s national and international marketing campaigns and localized marketing support, which help drive customer traffic and brand visibility.
  • Training and Development: Expedia Cruises provides comprehensive training programs for franchisees and their team, ensuring they are well-equipped to provide excellent service and grow their business.
  • Technological Edge: Leveraging Expedia’s advanced technology and tools can help franchisees manage their business efficiently, offer competitive pricing, and deliver a seamless customer experience.
  • Franchisee Community: Joining the Expedia Cruises franchise network means joining a community of franchisees who can share experiences, advice, and best practices, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment.
  • Proven Business Model: The Expedia Cruises franchise operates on a proven business model that has succeeded across various markets. This reduces the risk for new franchisees and provides a clear path to profitability.
  • Travel Industry Growth: The travel industry is expected to continue growing, with cruises being a significant part of that growth. Being part of a leading brand in this sector can position franchisees to capitalize on this trend.
  • Partnership Opportunities: Expedia Cruises’ relationships with leading cruise lines and travel suppliers can provide franchisees with competitive advantages, exclusive offers, and higher commission rates.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Expedia’s commitment to sustainable travel can appeal to a growing segment of environmentally conscious travelers, helping franchisees attract and retain this demographic.

How did the Expedia Cruises franchise help you launch your business?

Expedia Cruises has been incredible in helping us prepare for and launch our business. They provided comprehensive training programs that covered everything from sales techniques to mastering their advanced booking systems. Their support didn’t stop there; they also helped with marketing, giving us access to national and local campaigns that boosted awareness and attracted customers right from the start.

Their sophisticated technology and CRM systems made managing bookings, tracking customer interactions, and offering competitive pricing so much easier. Plus, the strong brand recognition and loyal customer base of Expedia Cruises gave us a solid foundation, helping us quickly gain traction in the market. Their experienced team’s ongoing support ensured we had all the guidance and resources needed to launch and grow our business successfully.

What advice would you give to potential Expedia Cruises franchise owners?

  • Embrace the Training. Take full advantage of Expedia Cruises‘ comprehensive training programs. The knowledge you gain will be invaluable in understanding sales techniques, booking systems, and overall business operations.
  • Leverage the Support. Make the most of the ongoing support provided. Whether it’s marketing assistance or technology help, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experienced team. Their guidance can make a significant difference in your business’s success.
  • Utilize the Technology. Familiarize yourself with the sophisticated technology and CRM systems available. These tools are designed to streamline your operations, making managing bookings and tracking customer interactions easier.
  • Capitalize on Brand Recognition. Use Expedia Cruises’ strong brand recognition to your advantage. This established and loyal customer base can give you a head start in building your clientele.
  • Engage with Marketing Resources. Actively participate in the national and local marketing campaigns. These initiatives are a great way to boost awareness and attract customers from the beginning.
  • Network with Other Franchisees. Connect with other franchisees to share experiences and best practices. The franchisees can provide valuable insights and support as you navigate your business journey.
  • Stay Customer-Focused and prioritize excellent customer service. Building strong relationships with your travel agents and clients can lead to repeat business and referrals, which are crucial for long-term success.
  • Be Prepared for Hard Work. Launching and growing a business requires dedication and effort. Be prepared to put in the hard work, especially in the initial stages, to set a solid foundation for your franchise.
  • Stay Updated on Industry Trends. Keep yourself informed about the latest trends and developments in the travel industry. This knowledge can help you stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions.
  • Have a Growth Mindset. Approach your business with a mindset focused on growth and continuous improvement. Be open to learning and adapting as you go along, always looking for ways to enhance your operations and customer satisfaction.

Name three things that empower your success.

  1. Treating Travel Agents Like Our Best Customers. Prioritizing the well-being and satisfaction of our travel agents fosters a positive and productive work environment. We ensure they feel valued and appreciated, which translates to better service for our clients.

    Best Practices—Regularly recognizing and rewarding top performers, providing ongoing training opportunities, and maintaining open communication lines help build a motivated and engaged team.

    Critical Decisions—Investing in their professional development and creating a supportive culture where their contributions are acknowledged.
  2. Active Community Involvement. Networking and building strong relationships within the community helps raise awareness of our brand and foster trust among potential customers. Demonstrating a commitment to the community by participating in local events, supporting local causes, and collaborating with other businesses. Organizing and participating in community events, offering travel packages for local fundraisers, and engaging in partnerships that benefit both the business and the community.
  3. Continuous Learning and Adaptation Habits. Staying informed about the latest trends and developments in the travel industry and continually seeking opportunities for personal and professional growth. Regularly attend industry conferences, participate in webinars, and actively listen to feedback from customers and agents to improve services and operations.

These three pillars—valuing our team, engaging with the community, and committing to continuous learning—are crucial to our success in the travel industry.

What are the causes closest to your heart and why?

Support for Families with Kids Who Struggle with Disabilities and Health Issues

  • Why It Matters: Having family members with health issues has given us firsthand insight into the challenges and triumphs these families experience. We are passionate about providing resources, whether a custom-built Go Baby Go car for a child with disabilities, cooking meals at a local Ronald McDonald House, or creating an Autism travel group. These efforts offer numerous opportunities to enhance the quality of life for these families.
  • How We Get Involved: We actively participate in fundraising for local charities, sponsor support groups, and advocate for inclusive policies and practices within our community. Through these efforts, we aim to make a meaningful difference in the lives of local families.

How does business ownership empower you to give back to your community?

Business ownership empowers us to give back or “pay it forward” in several ways:

  • Financial Contributions: Owning a business provides the financial stability and resources to contribute to charitable causes and support organizations that align with our values.
  • Community Engagement: As a business owner, we can actively engage with our community by participating in local events, sponsoring initiatives, and supporting local charities.
  • Raising Awareness: Business ownership gives us a platform to raise awareness about important issues and advocate for positive change within the travel industry and community.
  • Leading by Example: By embracing philanthropy and social responsibility in our business practices, we can inspire others, including our team, customers, and peers, to give back and make a difference.

Business ownership provides us with the platform, resources, and influence to make a meaningful impact and contribute to the greater good.

What is your proudest achievement?

We take immense pride in owning two Expedia Cruises in Calgary, a journey that has been incredibly powerful for us. However, our greatest achievement has been achieving success and becoming an integral part of our community through our impactful give-back initiatives.

Exploring the Expedia Cruises Franchise Opportunity

Fueled by a genuine belief in the inherent worth of every individual, this couple has left a lasting impression on their Expedia Cruises team and the recipients of their philanthropic efforts, echoing the sentiment that even the smallest act of kindness can make a significant difference. 

Are you seeking a business opportunity that perfectly balances equity, lifestyle, and fun? The Expedia Cruises franchise opportunity empowers franchise owners to do it all! The power of Expedia’s well-known brand, commitment to exceptional customer service, omnichannel approach, and proven franchise business model has helped it grow into a leading travel seller in North America.

To learn more about the Expedia Cruises franchise opportunity, email info@expediafranchise.com, or call (778) 928-0053.